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Real Timber vs. Timber-look Garage Doors

August 29, 2017
You love the look of a timber garage door. The wood is richly coloured, has a lovely texture, and adds an element of strength and beauty to your home. However, you’re likely wondering if you should go with real wood or a faux wood garage door. There are pros and cons to each, and we’ve prepared a guide to get you started.

Factory Direct Garage Doors in Melbourne is your expert garage door manufacturer. We specialise in timber-look garage doors, bringing in the perfecting combination of artisan talent and precision engineering. If you love the look of timber garage doors, buy garage doors direct from us. Contact us now for a free quote!

Read on for the pros and cons of faux timber vs. real timber garage doors.


Real timber garage doors require a certain amount of maintenance. Over time, the sun and elements can make the wood fade, and the texture can become a bit gnarled. Therefore, you’ll have to schedule regular maintenance to keep it looking nice. One perk is that you can update the look of your stain to go with the rest of your home. With faux timber, the processes used to create the natural look of wood aren’t prone to the same damage and fading, so the only maintenance you’ll have to perform is your regular garage door maintenance.


Real timber doors are beautiful, but that aesthetic comes with a price tag. You will end up paying more for them than you would for a timber-look door, in addition to the maintenance of the wood that will need to be done from time to time. Timber-look doors cost much less up front, which means you will get a budget-friendly door that has the same look as its natural counterpart.


Termites love wood, which is no secret. The moment they set their little eyes on your gorgeous real timber door that you dropped a load of money on, it’s all over but the crying. Faux wood is pest-resistant, so you won’t ever have to worry about your elegant door being snacked on by bugs.


Wood that is exposed to water and heat will naturally warp and rot over time, despite the best efforts being taken to prevent that from happening. You will never have to worry about warping and rotting with a timber-look door. And when you schedule maintenance to keep it in smooth, working order, your door could last anywhere from 15 to 30 years!

At Factory Direct Garage Doors, you get custom garage doors direct at a price that’s competitive and a turnaround time that’s faster than most other manufacturers. Our processes for timber-look garage doors ensure that you have a door that’s just as beautiful as real timber, but with all the perks of a sectional garage door’s durability and longevity.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to talk about your garage door buying options. We will create a custom door that’s perfect for your home, your liking, and your budget. Call us now!
February 8, 2018
So many of us use our garage for one purpose: to keep the cars safe. While this is certainly the main purpose of most garages, the fact is, you can use this space for a number of things that will free up space in your home. Not to mention, you can increase the organization and efficiency of your life by making use of a few square feet of space in the garage. At Factory Direct Garage Doors, we are the number one place to buy garage doors in Melbourne. When you want custom doors—timber, sectional, roll-up, and other custom styles—simply submit a request for a quote through our site or give us a call. We will go over your options and give you a quote ASAP. Not only that, we’ll have your new residential garage doors to you within 5-7 business days, which is much faster than the competition. Contact us now! Here are some ways you can increase the efficiency of your home by using space in your garage.
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